
La violence d’Etat sur les enfants
29/Oct/2013 UN and Regional Documentation
Summary: Une des lacunes de nos démocraties occidentales réside dans la difficulté d’appliquer correctement les lois, d’en...
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BELGIQUE : gel de la proposition de loi sur la mendicité des enfants
8/Jul/2013 News
Summary: La proposition de loi qui renforce la répression de l’exploitation des enfants dans la mendicité a été retirée de...
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BELGIQUE: Faut-il élargir la loi sur l'euthanasie aux enfants?
18/Jun/2013 News
Summary: [Débat] - Le Sénat a entamé le débat sur l’élargissement de l’euthanasie aux mineurs et aux personnes atteintes...
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BELGIUM: Parliament poised to give children right to die
13/Jun/2013 News
Summary: While the proposal has been met by strong opposition by religious groups, liberals and socialists appear to agree...
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BELGIUM: Children's rights and the European human rights system
30/May/2013 Publication
Summary: This report summarises the status of children's rights in Belgium vis-a-vis European human rights mechanisms...
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CHI event: 10 Year European and EU Data Publications
Wed, 26/06/2013 - 00:00 Event
Summary: In 2013 CHI celebrates its 10 year anniversary and the collection of data from over 126 million contacts made to...
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BELGIUM: Parliament debates giving children the right to die
28/Feb/2013 News
Summary: Medical experts have given evidence to the Belgian Senate as the country’s upper house mulls giving children the...
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