
LA VIOLATION DES DROITS DE L’ENFANT : Pratiques néfastes fondées sur la tradition, la culture, la religion ou la superstition
11/Jan/2013 Publication
Summary: Chaque année, des milliers d'enfants meurent dans le monde entier tandis que l’enfance et le développement de...
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SIERRA LEONE: Diamonds lure children out of school
11/Dec/2012 News
Summary: Following the 1991-2002 civil war, thousands of children who either had to take up arms, had their limbs...
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INTERNAL DISPLACEMENT: Africa leads the way with new regional Convention
7/Dec/2012 News
Summary: The UN Special Rapporteur on internally displaced persons today welcomed the entering into force of a new...
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Creating a Step Change in Monitoring and Evaluating Children’s Participation
28/Nov/2012 Publication
Summary: A year ago, we posted on CRIN an introduction to an 18 month pilot being undertaken to test out a framework and...
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CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS: Challenges faced by women human rights defenders in Africa
26/Nov/2012 News
Summary: The Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders in Africa is seeking input for a report on the challenges faced...
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SIERRA LEONE: Wounds of war heal slowly
19/Nov/2012 News
Summary: Sierra Leone went to the polls on November 17 and is making a recovery ten years after the civil war. But former...
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CAMPAGNE : Mettons fin aux sentences inhumaines à l’encontre des enfants maintenant !
16/Nov/2012 News
Summary: CRIN lance avec plusieurs partenaires une campagne pour l'interdiction et l'élimination des sentences inhumaines...
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SIERRA LEONE : Pas de rapports sexuels durant l’allaitement
23/Oct/2012 News
Summary: La malnutrition est un problème de santé infantile courant en Sierra Leone et les traditions, comme le « banfa »,...
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