Article 7: Name and nationality

SOUDAN: La question de la citoyenneté demeure non résolue
16/Mar/2011 News
Summary: Les services essentiels restent extrêmement limités dans le Sud, c’est pourquoi de nombreux rapatriés...
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MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA: Update on crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators
10/Mar/2011 News
Summary: The latest regional update of civilian protests in North Africa and the Middle East. ...
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DENMARK: Immigration minister fired for refusing citizenship to 36 Palestinians
8/Mar/2011 News
Summary: The scandal began in January when it emerged that the immigration ministry had denied Palestinian youths...
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COUNCIL OF EUROPE: Call for research/participation on children and parental responsibilities
2/Mar/2011 News
Summary: The Council of Europe is looking for help in drafting a Recommendation on the Rights and Legal Status of Children...
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SUDAN: Right to Nationality
21/Feb/2011 Publication
Summary: The criteria that will be established to determine citizenship of the new entities is one of the many critically...
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UNITED STATES: Proposed Arizona law targets "birthright" citizenship
28/Jan/2011 News
Summary: Arizona Republicans are pushing to deny citizenship to children born in the United States to non-US citizen...
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