Article 3: Best interests of the child

USA: Federal judge in Michigan rules that juveniles convicted of murder must get parole chance
14/Aug/2013 News
Summary: US judge upholds ruling striking down Michigan's mandatory life, no parole law for juveniles....
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UK: Complex child abuse cases to be heard by judges with specialist training
7/Aug/2013 News
Summary: Head of the judiciary in England and Wales says a select pool of judges with specialist training will be created...
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SYRIA: Audit of Syrian refugees finds organised crime and child soldiers
7/Aug/2013 News
Summary: Many Syrians who have escaped their country are now desperate to escape from U.N.-run refugee camps, where women...
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PAKISTAN: Ramadan ratings war sees TV show give abandoned babies to childless couples
2/Aug/2013 News
Summary: Babies who were allegedly abandoned by their parents are now being given away as "prizes" on a TV show dubbed ...
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