Article 15: Freedom of association

SYRIA: Activists report 'terrifying massacre' in Syrian city of Homs, with dozens killed
27/Jan/2012 News
Summary: A "terrifying massacre" in the restive Syrian city of Homs has killed more than 30 people, including small...
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RUSSIA: Doll 'protesters' present small problem for police
27/Jan/2012 News
Summary: Police in Siberian city ask prosecutors to investigate legality of protest involving display of toy figures...
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JORDAN: Teen activist jailed for burning king's picture
27/Jan/2012 News
Summary: Activists have criticised the ruling, saying that burning an image of a member of the royal family as a political...
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GENDER: Boys are not born wanting to wear blue
24/Jan/2012 News
Summary: Five-year-old Sasha Cooper has enjoyed an early childhood divorced from the expectations of how boys and girls...
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