Health and welfare

SENEGAL: First steps taken to eradicate forced child begging in Quranic schools
7/أغسطس/2015 Publication
A committee of African human rights experts agreed that Senegal must work to stop children in Quranic schools being forced to beg for food and money after two postgraduate students compiled a complaint on behalf of the exploited children.
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SALUD: Las barreras legales impiden a los jóvenes menores de edad acceder a los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva en América Latina
5/أغسطس/2015 News
Las leyes se convierten en obstáculos para los jóvenes de la región, a pesar de que América Latina es la segunda región en el mundo con más alto porcentaje de embarazo adolescente (Link a informe completo)
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STREET CHILDREN: New guides on street children and the CRC's General Comment
3/أغسطس/2015 Publication
A guide to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s forthcoming General Comment on children in street situations and a fact sheet about children in street situations, debunking a series of common myths about them, from the Consortium for Street Children.
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TRANSPARENCY: UN paid millions to Russian aviation firm since learning of sex attack on girl
3/أغسطس/2015 News
Documents reveal United Nations unit uncovered possible ‘culture of sexual exploitation and abuse’ after 2010 but permitted a Russian aviation company to continue receiving contracts worth millions.
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UNITED STATES: Judge orders release of immigrant children detained
27/يوليو/2015 News
A federal judge has said that the government's policy of detaining migrant children and their mothers violates a longstanding ruling that found that such mass detention is against US law.
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International Conference on Child Rights & Sight
سبت, 24/10/2015 - 09:00 Event
DCI holds its International Conference on Child Rights & Sight to raise awareness on child rights, including child...
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FRANCE : L'Etat coupable de carences à l'égard d'enfants autistes
23/يوليو/2015 News
La justice a reconnu l'Etat coupable de carences et de préjudice moral à l'égard d'enfants autistes. Sept familles vont être indemnisées, à hauteur de plus de 240.000 euros.
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UNION EUROPÉENNE : briefing sur les mineurs non accompagnés
23/يوليو/2015 Publication
Briefing du service de recherche du Parlment européen sur les mineurs non-accompagnés.
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FOOT : Trafic de mineurs africains vers le Laos
23/يوليو/2015 News
Des jeunes footballeurs africains de 14 ans ont été victimes de trafic vers le Laos où  ils vivaient des conditions « déplorables et inquiétantes ». L'Ong Culture Foot Solidaire estime que 15 000  joueurs adolescents sont emmenés hors d'Afrique de l'Ouest chaque année.
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