Health and welfare

Straight Talk Foundation
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
Straight Talk Foundation aims, through its communications projects, to increase the understanding of adolescence,...
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Sight Savers International
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
SSI is an international charity...
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Saxan-Saxo Women's Association
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
- Child Rights...
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Save the Children UK - DRC Office
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
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Save the Children UK - Office for South and Central Asia Region
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
Save the Children is the UK's largest...
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Save the Children UK - Swaziland Office
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
Advocacy on Children's Rights...
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Save the Children UK
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
Save the Children works to achieve lasting benefits for children within the communities in which they live. By influencing...
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3/يناير/2001 Organisation
Working with children of prostitutes, child prostitutes and trafficked children who are rescued from the court and...
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