Economic rights

ROMANIA: Record million-euro payout for child AIDS victim
30/أكتوبر/2014 News
Romanian woman who contracted HIV as a baby in hospital in 1990 will receive one million euros in compensation after a landmark court decision in the country with Europe's highest number of child AIDS victims.
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Going Hungry? The Human Right to Food in the UK
30/أكتوبر/2014 Publication
This report analyses state action and assesses the UK’s compliance with the duty to secure the human right to adequate food.
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MODERN SLAVERY: Tamil Nadu’s exploited garment workers need help from British justice
29/أكتوبر/2014 News
Report highlights conditions of modern slavery in Indian mills, and that the abused workers should have recourse to UK courts.
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CALL TO ACTION: Sign joint letter urging stronger child rights protections in World Bank safeguards
28/أكتوبر/2014 News
Call to support the strengthening of child rights protections in World Bank safeguards. The deadline for signing the joint letter is Friday, 31 October 2014. 
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PORTUGAL : Les enfants, premières victimes de la crise
28/أكتوبر/2014 News
L'Unicef estime qu'au total, 31 % des familles nombreuses et 41 % des familles monoparentales vivaient en 2011 en dessous du seuil de pauvreté, avec un revenu mensuel inférieur à 416 euros par personne. Le Monde, 27 octobre 2014.
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IVORY COAST: Children's Rights References in the Universal Periodic Review
27/أكتوبر/2014 Publication
A compilation of extracts featuring child-rights issues from the reports submitted to the second Universal Periodic Review. There are extracts from the 'National report', the 'Compilation of UN information' and the 'Summary of stakeholder information'. Once the ‘recommendations’ have been accepted or rejected by the State, these will subsequently be published here.”
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"At 12 years, a slave… children in forced labour"
23/أكتوبر/2014 Publication
The research report by Terre des Hommes on forced child labour, which was published on the 12th of June 2014, can be found...
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