Civil and political rights

CROATIA: Sex-ed stalemate after decades of disagreement
10/ماي/2016 Publication
A collective complaint exposed discrimination in the material being taught in Croatian sex education classes but did not manage to cement a better system.
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Discrimination and disenfranchisement: A global report on status offences
20/أبريل/2016 Publication
Status offences criminalise actions for only certain groups of people, most commonly because of their religion, sexuality or age. This new CRIN report examines how these offences affect children and the new forms they are taking.
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Age is Arbitrary - Discussion paper on setting minimum ages
11/أبريل/2016 Publication
New CRIN discussion paper examines the use and worth of age thresholds in the context of a number of contentious children’s rights issues. The paper exposes how minimum ages can be inconsistent, discriminatory and arbitrary.  
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UN: Protection of the family
5/أبريل/2016 Publication
During the 29th session of the Human Rights Council last year, a controversial resolution on the ‘protection of the family...
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ESPAÑA: El Congreso aprueba crear por primera vez una comisión permanente legislativa sobre infancia
24/مارس/2016 News
El Congreso ha aprobado la creación de una comisión permanente legislativa de estudio sobre la situación de la infancia en Diputados y una Comisión Permanente no Legislativa de Derechos de la Familia, la Infancia y la Adolescencia en el Senado
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MONGOLIA: State becomes 49th to ban all corporal punishment of children
18/مارس/2016 News
Mongolia bans corporal punishment of children in all settings, including the home, becoming the first State in East and Southeast Asia to achieve this reform.  
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