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Отчет о семинаре CRIN по правовой адвокации в Украине
26/يونيو/2015 News
Международная сеть по правам ребенка (CRIN) 14-15 мая провела семинар по правовой адвокации в Киеве, Украина. Семинар ...
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DRUG POLICY: 'Accountability for children and young people at the 2016 UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs'
19/ماي/2015 Publication
This paper challenges the current framework for evaluating drug policies, and presents one based on the CRC. The three UN drugs conventions currently fail to prescribe any specific measures for children and young people, and only one of these mentions children explicitly.    
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ABUS SEXUELS EN RCA : des ONG demandent plus de transparence de la part de l'ONU
6/ماي/2015 News
Déclaration d’organisations de la société civile au Secrétaire général de l’ONU, l’appelant à éclaircir les mesures prises en réponse aux rapports faisant état d’abus sexuels sur des enfants par des soldats étrangers en République Centrafricaine.  
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Submission to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the human rights implications of over-incarceration and overcrowding of prisons
29/أبريل/2015 Publication
CRIN has collected worrying evidence that a growing number of States in all regions, far from fulfilling their legal...
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DEATH PENALTY: Submission to the report of the Secretary General on the question of the death penalty
17/أبريل/2015 Publication
Our research indicates that in 16 countries, capital punishment for children remains on the statute books or is carried out despite being prohibited.
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IRAN: Alternative report on Iran's implementation of the CRC by CRIN and 20 human rights organisations
9/مارس/2015 Publication
This joint alternative report aims to contribute to the upcoming review by the Committee on the Rights of the Child (...
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INVESTMENT IN CHILDREN: CRIN's submission to the OHCHR's report
3/أكتوبر/2014 Publication
CRIN's submission to the OHCHR's 2015 report on a better investment in children.
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24/يونيو/2014 Basic page
Échanger des idées et initier un débat éclairé.
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RIGHT TO INFORMATION: 'Access Denied - Protect rights, unblock children’s access to information'
18/يونيو/2014 News
Censorship violates human rights and puts children in danger, says new CRIN policy paper.
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KIRIBATI: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing of children
16/يونيو/2014 Publication
Our research indicates that in Kiribati, people may be lawfully sentenced to life imprisonment and corporal punishment for...
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