Ombudsmen / Independent human rights institutions

Independent Authority Ombudsman of the Hellenic Republic Department of Childrens Rights - Greece
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
To mediate between the public sector and private individuals, in order to protect citizens' rights, to ensure the former's...
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Ombudsman for Children in Sweden
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
• Promotes the rights and interests of children and young people as set forth in the United Nations Convention on the...
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Office of the Ombudsman of British Columbia
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
Administrative oversight of provincial government agencies and other authorities, including child and youth-specific...
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Office of the Child and Youth Advocate - Newfoundland and Labrador
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
The mandate of the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate is to ensure the rights and interests of children and youth are...
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Amnesty International Children's Human Rights Network
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
The network aims to:...
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ACT Children & Young People Commissioner
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
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Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
Deals with general issues that are of importance for the protection and promotion of human rights and freedoms and...
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Adjuntía para la Niñez y la Adolescencia - Perú
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
Funciona como Defensoría del Pueblo.
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Defensor del Menor de Andalucía
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
La Ley 9/1983, de 1 de diciembre, creó la Institución del Defensor del Pueblo Andaluz como Comisionado del Parlamento de...
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