Academic institution

Centre for Women's Studies - University of Nijmegen
6/يونيو/2003 Organisation
An academic research centre...
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Botswana-Baylor Children Clinical Center of Excellence
11/أبريل/2003 Organisation
Hiv/Aids care centre for children, pre/post test counseling, research, staff development.BBCCCOE
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Interuniversity Attraction Poles - Research Network on Human Rights of Children
11/أبريل/2003 Organisation
The IAP is a joint Belgian...
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Human Sciences Research Council - Programme for Development Research
5/سبتمبر/2001 Organisation
The Programme for Development...
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Antarctica University
9/أبريل/2001 Organisation
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Children's Rights Project, Community Law Centre, University of the Western Cape
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
Academic based human rights organisation that also creates advocacy and education around childrens' civil and political...
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Stirling Council - Children's Services
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
Children's Services provide education, care and support services to meet the needs of children, young people and families....
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Refugee Studies Centre
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
The Refugee Studies Centre (RSC) is part of the University of Oxford's International Development Centre at the Queen...
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Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
BIM is an academic human rights...
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Institute on Family and Neighbourhood Life
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
IFNL's mission is to generate, share, and apply the knowledge needed to strenghten ties between families and communities....
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