ENOC news

The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights joined ENOC
23/أبريل/2013 News
The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights joined ENOC and thus became the 42nd member of the Network. The...
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ENOC is growing...
22/أبريل/2013 News
In the course of the period June-September, three new institutions (NHRIs) joined ENOC. The new ENOC members, the...
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ENOC releases a statement on 'the rights of children in conflict with the law'
26/مارس/2013 News
Summary: The position statement on 'the rights of children in conflict with the law' has been adopted on the occasion of...
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ENOC Annual Conference 2012: Conference report out now
11/فبراير/2013 News
ENOC's 16th Annual Conference "Juvenile Delinquency-Child Friendly Justice, Structures and Processes for Prevention and...
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ENOC at the European Conference in Ankara on stepping up progress in combating violence against children
1/فبراير/2013 News
European Conference on "Stepping up progress in combating violence against children"...
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René Schlechter is the new President of the Ombudscommittee for the rights of the child in Luxembourg
30/يناير/2013 News
Summary: René Schlechter takes over the chairmanship of the Ombudscommittee for the Rights of the Child of Luxembourg...
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ENYA 2012 Seminar took place in Warsaw
21/يناير/2013 News
The European Network of Young Advisors-"ENYA" held its 3rd meeting (previous meetings : 2010 in Strasbourg, 2011 in...
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ENOC releases a position paper on the consequences of the economic crisis on ICRIs
20/ديسمبر/2012 News
Summary: The General Assembly of ENOC, meeting in October in Cyprus, agreed to on the terms of a common position statement...
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