CRC news

Job Posting: Advocacy Position
11/فبراير/2009 News
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The Committee on the Rights of the Child holds its 50th session from 12 to 30 January 2009
12/يناير/2009 News
Under the CRC it will examine the 2nd periodic report of the DRC, Malawi and Chad, the 2nd and 3rd periodic report of...
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Recommendations of the 2008 Day of General Discussion of the Committee on the Rights of the Child
5/يناير/2009 News
Summary: The Committee on the Rights of the Child has issued its recommendations on 'The Right of the Child to Education...
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Results of the 2008 CRC elections
18/ديسمبر/2008 News
Summary: On 16 December 2008, the States parties to the CRC elected 9 members of the Committee. The 3 members running for...
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3 October 2008 - the Concluding Observations on the CRC are adopted by the Committee
3/أكتوبر/2008 News
On 3 October 2008, the Committee on the Rights of the Child adopted its conclusions and recommendations for the countries...
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New High Commissioner opens the 49th session of the CRC
15/سبتمبر/2008 News
In her opening statement, the new High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Navi Pillay, emphasised the importance she...
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