CRC news

CRC ELECTIONS: Kamel Filali (Algeria)-Arabic
5/أبريل/2011 News
انتخابات لجنة حقوق الطفل: كامل الفيلالي- الجزائر...
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Complaints Mechanism: Reactions to Chair's Proposal (Summary)
18/فبراير/2011 News
Summary: States, UN agencies and civil society react to the Chairperson's proposal package for a new text for the OP....
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Complaints Mechanism: Part II (Communications)
11/فبراير/2011 News
Summary: Summary of the Second Meeting of the Working Group on an optional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the...
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CRC ELECTIONS: Gehad Madi (Egypt)
6/أكتوبر/2010 News
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UN: Committee on the Rights of the Child releases Concluding Observations for Session 54
5/يوليو/2010 News
Summary: On the 11th June 2010, the Committee on the Rights of the Child released their Concluding Observations for the...
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