Responsibilities of parents

UKRAINE: State had no right to remove children of blind parents
28/يونيو/2017 Publication
Two blind parents argued against the removal of their seven children and claimed that the authorities were obliged to provide financial support to help them, all the way up to the European Court of Human Rights.
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QUEBEC : adoption d'une loi pour les enfants transgenres
14/يونيو/2016 News
Au Québec, grâce à la loi 103 adoptée par l'Assemblée nationale, les enfants et adolescents peuvent désormais modifier leur sexe sur leur acte de naissance. 
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CUBA: El 36% de los niños ha sido sometido a castigos en el hogar
1/ديسمبر/2015 News
Este y otros datos surgen de una encuesta realizada en Cuba, que aún no ha prohibido el castigo corporal en su legislación. 
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EUROPE: Sexual rights and risks among youth online
26/أكتوبر/2015 News
Children and youth are one of the fastest-growing groups of internet users, bringing them great opportunities – but also new risks.
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STREET CHILDREN: New guides on street children and the CRC's General Comment
3/أغسطس/2015 Publication
A guide to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s forthcoming General Comment on children in street situations and a fact sheet about children in street situations, debunking a series of common myths about them, from the Consortium for Street Children.
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SOUTH AFRICA: Teenagers no longer prosecuted for kissing or consensual sex
20/يوليو/2015 Publication
A law that criminalised sexual activity between consenting adolescents in South Africa - even for kissing and cuddling - and required them to be put on a sex offenders register was struck down as unconstitutional after a challenge from the Centre for Child Law. CRIN looks at the issue in this case study.
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ALEMANIA: Los niños, víctimas habituales de la violencia
22/ماي/2015 News
La Oficina Alemana de Investigación Criminal presentó un informe estadístico sobre los delitos en los que las principales víctimas son niños y niñas. Las cifras son pasmosas, pero sólo constituyen la punta del iceberg.
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TAJIKISTAN: Increasing number of children left behind by parents looking for work abroad
13/أبريل/2015 News
Many children grow up in orphanages after more and more mothers also leave them in the search for work. 
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