Pre-trial detention

PAKISTAN: Government investigators hide death-row man’s records
14/أبريل/2015 News
Pakistani government investigators have confiscated and tampered with evidence relating to the case of Shafqat Hussain, whose recent stay of execution is due to expire this week.
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CAMPAIGNING: CRIN's joint letter to Pakistan's Federal Minister for Interior
23/مارس/2015 News
Read the letter CRIN, together with other human rights organisations, sent to Pakistan's minister after the halt of Shafqat Hussain's execution for 72 hours and before it's extension to 30 days. 
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EGYPT: Student forcibly disappeared in Fayoum
18/مارس/2015 News
Police denies the 17-year-old's detention after he has been arrested in his home.
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AUSTRALIA: 'The Forgotten Children - national inquiry into children in immigration detention'
13/فبراير/2015 Publication
This report by the Australian Human Rights Commission shows evidence of how immigration detention is harming children's mental and physical health. 
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BENIN : Les droits de l'enfant dans les rapports des organes des traités de l'ONU
4/نوفمبر/2014 Publication
Résumé : Ce rapport est une compilation des extraits liés aux droits de l’enfant dans les rapports et procédures de suivi...
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MALI : Les adolescents continuent de payer un lourd tribut dans le conflit
22/أغسطس/2014 News
Les mineurs accusés d’être des membres de groupes armés dans le cadre du conflit qui perdure au Mali croupissent dans des prisons pour adultes, tandis que les violations des droits humains se poursuivent. Amnesty International, le 21 août 2014.
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Concluding Observations for Jordan's Fourth and Fifth Periodic Reports
27/يونيو/2014 UN and Regional Documentation
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RIGHT TO LIBERTY AND SECURITY: CRIN's submission on draft General Comment No. 35 on Article 9 of the ICCPR
29/ماي/2014 Publication
This submission represents the views of the Child Rights International Network (CRIN) ( on the proposed draft...
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VENEZUELA : regain de violence
13/ماي/2014 News
L'armée vénézuelienne a procédé a plus de 200 arrestations de jeunes manifestants. Au moins 18 détenus sont mineurs. - Centre d'acutalités de l'ONU, 9 mai 2014
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