Minimum ages

DOMINICA: Inhuman Sentencing of Children
15/مارس/2011 Publication
Report detailing the legality of inhuman sentencing against children in Dominica. Capital punishment is unlawful for...
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MALAYSIA: Inhuman sentencing of children
15/مارس/2011 Publication
Report detailing the legality of inhuman sentencing against children in Malaysia. Persons convicted of an offence...
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ST KITTS AND NEVIS: Inhuman sentencing of children
15/مارس/2011 Publication
Report detailing the legality of inhuman sentencing against children in St Kitts and Nevis. It appears persons convicted...
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ST VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES: Inhuman Sentencing of Children
15/مارس/2011 Publication
Report detailing the legality of inhuman sentencing against children in St Vincent and the Grenadines. It appears that...
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SINGAPORE: Inhuman sentencing of children
8/مارس/2011 Publication
Report detailing the legality of inhuman sentencing against children in Singapore. Persons convicted of an offence...
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GUYANA: Inhuman Sentencing of Children
8/مارس/2011 Publication
Report detailing the legality of inhuman sentencing against children in Guyana. While capital punishment has been...
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BOTSWANA: Inhuman Sentencing of Children
8/مارس/2011 Publication
Report detailing the legality of inhuman sentencing against children in Botswana. Child offenders cannot be sentenced to...
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CIVIL RIGHTS: Freedom of expression and children's rights
4/ماي/2010 Publication
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without...
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