Minimum ages

BANGLADESH: Mandatory death penalty declared void after 14-year legal battle
10/مارس/2016 Publication
Sentenced to death for a crime allegedly committed when he was just 14, a Bangladeshi boy’s case became the centre of a lengthy legal battle which ultimately led to mandatory executions being declared unconstitutional.
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RWANDA: MPs to change law on capacity to help children access justice
2/مارس/2016 News
Children in Rwanda may soon gain direct access to justice much younger once an amendment to harmonise disparities in the country's different minimum ages is passed.  
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QATAR: Inhuman Sentencing of Children
16/فبراير/2016 Publication
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INDIA: Inhuman sentencing of children
21/يناير/2016 Publication
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BANGLADESH: Inhuman sentencing of children
12/يناير/2016 Publication
The Children’s Act 2013 has substantially amended much of the relevant legislation on the criminal sentencing of children,...
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ZAMBIA: UN experts dismayed by presidential pardon of convicted rapist and his appointment as GBV ambassador
23/ديسمبر/2015 News
Two UN human rights experts have urged the Zambian Government to end the impunity of Zambian singer Clifford Dimba, convicted in 2014 for the rape of a 14-year-old girl and later made an ambassador on gender-based violence.
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SWAZILAND: Inhuman sentencing of children
4/ديسمبر/2015 Publication
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SAUDI ARABIA: More than 50 people, including several arrested as children, will reportedly be executed soon
30/نوفمبر/2015 News
Saudi Arabia allegedly plans to execute more than 50 people convicted of terrorism, including two sentenced as children, two Saudi newspapers reported this week.
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South Sudan: Inhuman sentencing of children
27/نوفمبر/2015 Publication
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MALDIVES: Inhuman sentencing of children
26/نوفمبر/2015 Publication
Corporal punishment and the death penalty are lawful penalties for offences committed by children in the Maldives.
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