Harmful traditional practices

The Taboo Topic of Female Genital Cutting: the search for effective approaches
21/ديسمبر/2006 Publication
Summary: This website presents a compilation of resources on Female Genital Cutting....
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Arab Human Development Report 2005: Towards the Rise of Women in the Arab World (Arabic language)
11/ديسمبر/2006 Publication
Summary: Gender inequality is generally recognized as one of the main obstacles to development in the Arab Region. This...
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Muslim religious leaders "oppose female circumsision" [Arabic]
11/ديسمبر/2006 News
Summary: In Cairo, a small revolution has been launched: A conference of high-ranking Muslim theologians has agreed that...
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Sexual Assault and Exploitation of Children in Syria [Arabic]
11/ديسمبر/2006 Publication
Summary: The analysis of sexual assaults and exploitation of children in Syria face many difficulties, especially because...
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Muslim leaders join battle against female circumcision
8/ديسمبر/2006 News
Summary: In Cairo, a small revolution has been launched: A conference of high-ranking Muslim theologians has agreed that...
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Sexual Assault and Exploitation of Children in Syria
28/نوفمبر/2006 Publication
Summary: The analysis of sexual assaults and exploitation of children in Syria face many difficulties, especially because...
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