Harmful traditional practices

Best interests and the prohibition of violence: FGM and non-refoulement before the CRC
20/سبتمبر/2018 Publication
The Committee on the Rights of the Child published its first views under the third Optional Protocol to the CRC this year. Learn more about the decision and its importance.
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IAM (on behalf of KYM) v. Denmark
خميس, 25/01/2018 - 00:00 Instrument
Case concerning the deportation of a child to a country where she would be at risk of female genital mutilation.
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РОССИЯ: Детский омбудсмен призвала наказать виновных в смерти мальчика от обрезания
13/يناير/2017 News
Дополнительных законодательных инициатив применительно к процедуре обрезания детей на дому не требуется, поскольку...
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QATAR: Inhuman Sentencing of Children
16/فبراير/2016 Publication
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INDIA: Inhuman sentencing of children
21/يناير/2016 Publication
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GAMBIE : Le parlement criminalise l‘excision
4/يناير/2016 News
L’Assemblée nationale de Gambie a approuvé un projet de loi criminalisant les mutilations génitales féminines (MGF) ou excision.
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SWAZILAND: Inhuman sentencing of children
4/ديسمبر/2015 Publication
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IRAN: Inhuman sentencing of children
16/نوفمبر/2015 Publication
The Islamic Penal Code 2013 came into force in May 2013. The new legislation amends the law with regards to the death penalty, life imprisonment and corporal punishment, but these forms of sentencing remain lawful for offences committed by children.
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SAUDI ARABIA: Inhuman Sentencing of Children
22/أكتوبر/2015 Publication
In Saudi Arabia, people may be lawfully sentenced to corporal punishment, life imprisonment and the death penalty for...
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