Gender and girls

IAM (on behalf of KYM) v. Denmark
خميس, 25/01/2018 - 00:00 Instrument
Case concerning the deportation of a child to a country where she would be at risk of female genital mutilation.
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PARAGUAY: La esperanza de la generación: las chicas desafiando la misoginia en el centro rural de Paraguay
24/أكتوبر/2016 News
Una escuela rural brinda asistencia y alternativas a niñas de una zona rural del país.
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MEXIQUE : un juge refuse l'avortement à une jeune fille victime de viol
3/أغسطس/2016 News
Victime d'une agression sexuelle en mai dernier, une jeune mexicaine âgée de 14 ans n'a pas été autorisée à avorter. Le juge a décidé de requalifier le crime en «attentat à la pudeur», qui est un délit mineur…
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Changing Global Perceptions: Child Protection & Bodily Integrity
أربعاء, 14/09/2016 - 14:00 Event
Genital Autonomy exists as a charity to promote, preserve and protect the health and well-being of male, female and...
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QUEBEC : adoption d'une loi pour les enfants transgenres
14/يونيو/2016 News
Au Québec, grâce à la loi 103 adoptée par l'Assemblée nationale, les enfants et adolescents peuvent désormais modifier leur sexe sur leur acte de naissance. 
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PERU: Abortion guidelines established after 90-year delay
30/مارس/2016 Publication
A 13-year-old girl who became pregnant after being raped was denied a legal abortion, even though her physical and mental health were in danger. She was left paralysed; but thanks to her case, Peru now has a protocol on therapeutic abortion and the UN has recognised the denial of a legal abortion as a form of discrimination against women.
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GAMBIE : Le parlement criminalise l‘excision
4/يناير/2016 News
L’Assemblée nationale de Gambie a approuvé un projet de loi criminalisant les mutilations génitales féminines (MGF) ou excision.
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ZAMBIA: UN experts dismayed by presidential pardon of convicted rapist and his appointment as GBV ambassador
23/ديسمبر/2015 News
Two UN human rights experts have urged the Zambian Government to end the impunity of Zambian singer Clifford Dimba, convicted in 2014 for the rape of a 14-year-old girl and later made an ambassador on gender-based violence.
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