Domestic violence

Why do we need a Special Representative to the Secretary-General on violence against children?
3/أكتوبر/2006 Publication
Summary: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS about the Special Representative to the Secretary-General on Violence against Children...
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Prepara España plan preventivo sobre violencia de género
27/سبتمبر/2006 News
[España, 25 septiembre 2006] - El gobierno español cuenta con un plan para sensibilizar sobre la violencia doméstica, que...
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Enfance en danger - Pratiques avec les familles maltraitantes (diplôme)
خميس, 21/09/2006 - 00:00 Event
Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures d'Université (bac + 4 )...
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Childrearing for Peace: A search for solutions
8/يونيو/2006 Publication
Summary: Written by Judith Ennew, from the Centre for Family Research and Dominique Pierre Plateau from Save the Children...
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Keeping Children Safe - Child Protection Toolkit
30/مارس/2006 Publication
Summary: The Keeping Children Safe Coalition has developed a set of tools to help organisations working in developing...
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