
SENEGAL: First steps taken to eradicate forced child begging in Quranic schools
7/أغسطس/2015 Publication
A committee of African human rights experts agreed that Senegal must work to stop children in Quranic schools being forced to beg for food and money after two postgraduate students compiled a complaint on behalf of the exploited children.
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UNITED STATES: Massachusetts' highest court defends corporal punishment as 'part of social fabric'
14/يوليو/2015 News
The justicies said it's permissible to punish a child by spanking so long as "reasonable" force is used and the child is not harmed in a lasting way. Conversely, they also emphasised the child should be protected from abuse.
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CHÂTIMENTS CORPORELS : Bulletin Afrique n°19
7/يوليو/2015 Publication
Le nouveau bulletin consacré à l'Afrique de l'initiative globale pour mettre fin aux châtiments corporels sur les enfants revient sur les récents développements, les campagnes en cours et l'actualité des droits de l'homme.
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CANADA : La Commission Vérité et Réconciliation qualifie de "génocide culturel" la scolarisation forcée des enfants aborigènes
15/يونيو/2015 News
Les Canadiens ont pris conscience du désastre causé par la scolarisation forcée de dizaines de milliers d’Amérindiens et d’Inuits de 1870 à 1970.
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CANADA: Forced schooling of aboriginal children was ‘cultural genocide,’ truth commission finds
9/يونيو/2015 News
The findings are part of a report documenting widespread physical, cultural and sexual abuse at government-sponsored residential schools run mostly by churches that Indian, Inuit and other indigenous children were forced to attend. 
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ASIA-PACIFIC: Cost of child maltreatment tops $200 billion annually, reports UNICEF
3/يونيو/2015 News
Statistics show that failure to prevent violence against children is resulting in serious economic costs to countries, UNICEF warned at the launch of its ‘End Violence against Children’ campaign in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 
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FRANCE : violation de la Charte sociale européenne
4/مارس/2015 News
Le Comité des droits sociaux du Conseil de l'Europe estime que le droit français n'est pas assez précis sur la question des punitions corporelles.
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FRANCE: Violation of European treaty on corporal punishment
4/مارس/2015 News
The Council of Europe has criticised France for the lack of an explicit and clear ban of corporal punishment in national law. 
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TURKEY: Teacher calls for 'harassment teams' against miniskirts
20/فبراير/2015 News
The deputy principal of an Anatolian high school suggested that “male students could follow girls who wear short skirts to make them feel uncomfortable, after which the students would eventually have to dress ‘properly.’”
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CHILD LABOUR: Child domestic workers - the dawn of a new Convention?
11/فبراير/2015 Publication
Menu: Introduction | Call for Action | UN Committee on Migrant Workers | Violations of the rights of child domestic...
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