Death penalty

YEMEN: Inhuman Sentencing of Children
8/مارس/2011 Publication
Summary: Report detailing the legality of inhuman sentencing against children in Yemen. It is unlawful to sentence child...
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NIGERIA: Inhuman Sentencing of Children
8/مارس/2011 Publication
Summary: Report detailing the legality of inhuman sentencing against children in Nigeria. The laws differ in relation to...
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LIBYA: International court to investigate Gaddafi regime for crimes against humanity
3/مارس/2011 News
Summary: International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo, will present an overview of the alleged crimes...
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TÚNEZ: En vías de abolir la pena de muerte
7/فبراير/2011 News
Summary: El gobierno anuncia también la ratificación de importantes convenios internacionales. ...
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TUNISIA: On the way towards abolishing the death penalty
7/فبراير/2011 News
Summary: The Tunisian government is on the way towards abolishing the death penalty in the country, as well as announcing...
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YEMEN: Execution of juvenile halted
22/ديسمبر/2010 News
Summary: An alleged juvenile offender in Yemen has had his execution halted, and his case will now be re-examined by the...
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CONDENA BRUTAL: Sudán sentencia a muerte a cuatro niños
3/ديسمبر/2010 News
Summary: Sudán ha condenado a muerte a cinco menores. Junto a él, son varios los países del mundo que mantienen la pena...
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