Child offenders

BARBADOS: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing of children
3/يوليو/2017 Publication
Life imprisonment and corporal punishment remain lawful sentences for offences committed by children in Barbados....
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CRAE v. Secretary of State for Justice (and others)
أربعاء, 11/01/2012 - 15:00 Instrument
Case concerning the obligation of the State to inform children about potential claims they may have had for unlawful restraint in juvenile detention centres in the United Kingdom.
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DEATH PENALTY: Submission for the Secretary-General's report on the death penalty 2017
30/مارس/2017 Publication
CRIN is campaigning for the abolition of inhuman sentencing of children, defined to include the death penalty, corporal...
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PAKISTAN: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing of children
28/مارس/2017 Publication
Corporal punishment, life imprisonment and the death penalty are lawful sentences for offences committed by children in...
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DEPRIVATION OF LIBERTY: New resources and statistics
1/مارس/2017 News
New resources on children deprived of their liberty, including a compilation of statistics on children detained in the criminal justice system across almost 180 countries.
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Juvenile justice: CRIN's submission to the OHCHR on discrimination in the justice system
1/مارس/2017 Publication
CRIN's submission for the OHCHR report on non-discrimination and the administration of justice.
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KUWAIT: Inhuman sentencing of children
14/فبراير/2017 Publication
In March 2017, Kuwait abolished the death penalty and life imprisonment for offences committed while under the age of 18.
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JOINT STATEMENT: Child Justice Advocacy Group calls on government of the Philippines to reject MACR reforms
13/يناير/2017 Publication
The Child Justice Advocacy Group calls on the government of the Philippines to reject proposals to lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility
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ARGENTINA: Juvenile life sentences breached human rights standards
11/يناير/2017 Publication
Five Argentinian children were sentenced to life in prison, suffering grievous ill-treatment and incarceration for years before their cases were heard by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
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Decision of the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 1 of 1 February 2011
ثلاثاء, 01/02/2011 - 13:00 Instrument
Case concerning the review of Russian procedures and practices in criminal cases involving juvenile offenders.
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