
HRC: Council adopts resolution on the rights of the child
28/مارس/2012 Publication
Summary: During the 19th session of the Human Rights Council, a resolution was adopted on the rights of the child....
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UNITED STATES: Minnesota school district reaches agreement on preventing gay bullying
7/مارس/2012 News
Summary: After years of accusations that it had failed to stop antigay bullying and a spate of student suicides, Minnesota...
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РОССИЯ: В чем причина подростковых самоубийств в стране?
14/فبراير/2012 News
Summary: RUSSIA alarmed by rash of teenage suicides (Russian)...
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NAMIBIA: Promoting safe schools through School Codes of Conduct
30/يناير/2012 Publication
pdf: http://www.crin.org/docs/Comic - School Codes of Conduct - English for web-1.pdf
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REPUBLIC OF KOREA: School children turn to suicide as last resort
19/يناير/2012 News
Summary: The concern is that students have not been able to learn how to find solutions to their problems in a rigid...
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DISCRIMINATION: UN call for States to tackle homophobic bullying
14/ديسمبر/2011 News
Summary: Homophobic bullying was described as a grave violation of human rights and a public health crisis....
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VIOLENCE: Past abuse leads to loss of gray matter in brains of adolescents, study finds
12/ديسمبر/2011 News
Summary: Gray matter is the tissue that contains brain cells, the loss of which "couldhelp to explain their [adolescents']...
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