
Why do we need a Special Representative to the Secretary-General on violence against children?
3/أكتوبر/2006 Publication
Summary: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS about the Special Representative to the Secretary-General on Violence against Children...
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Cuestionario sobre la venta de órganos de niños y los programas en casos de secuestro o desaparición de niños presentado por el relator especial
29/أغسطس/2006 Publication
Summary: Este cuestionario es dirigido a las ONG por el Relator Especial sobre la venta de los Niños, la prostitución de...
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Uganda: 40 children are born with HIV each day and one in two is malnourished
3/أغسطس/2006 News
Summary: With Ugandan elections on February 23 just weeks away, Save the Children is calling on the candidates to pledge...
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Keeping Children Safe - Child Protection Toolkit
30/مارس/2006 Publication
Summary: The Keeping Children Safe Coalition has developed a set of tools to help organisations working in developing...
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Every Girl Counts, Development, Justice and Gender
17/فبراير/2006 Publication
Summary: World Vision International's submission to the UN Study on Violence against children.pdf: http://www.wvi.org...
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Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography visits Albania
17/نوفمبر/2005 News
Summary: Press release published by the SR, Jean-Miguel Petit, following his visit to Albania, 31 October - 7 November...
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Progress report of the Secretary-General's Study on Violence Against Children
جمعة, 14/10/2005 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The Independent Expert, Professor Paulo Sergio Pinheiro will present his progress report for the UN Study on...
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Regional Report: Middle East and North Africa Region
28/يونيو/2005 Publication
Summary: This report is prepared as part of the UN study...
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