
EL ESTUDIO DE LA ONU SOBRE LA VIOLENCIA: Dos menores de 14 años de edad mueren cada día a causa de la violencia en México
27/أبريل/2007 News
Summary: Las Secretarías de Salud y de Educación Pública junto con el DIF Nacional firman Acta de Compromiso para combatir...
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VIOLENCE STUDY: Recommendations presented in Mexico
25/أبريل/2007 News
Summary: A national event on violence against children was held on 19 April in Mexico City to present the findings of the...
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XIth ISPCAN European Regional Conference
أحد, 18/11/2007 - 00:00 Event
Summary: “Supporting Prevention and Recovery from Child Abuse and Neglect: Role of Professionals, Communities and...
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UK: Bid to end smacking in shops
10/أبريل/2007 News
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