8. Collaboration in the process of implementation with civil society including children

PANAMA: Persistent violations of children's rights
7/نوفمبر/2011 Publication
Summary: The violations highlighted are those issues raised with the State by more than one international mechanism. This...
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International Colloquium on Children and Governance 2011
أربعاء, 09/11/2011 - 00:00 Event
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MECANISMO DE DENUNCIAS: Consejo de Derechos Humanos aprueba mecanismo de quejas para las violaciones a los derechos del niño
5/يوليو/2011 News
[GINEBRA, 17 de junio de 2011] - El Consejo de Derechos Humanos ha adoptado el proyecto final de protocolo facultativo...
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World Report on Violence against Children
29/يونيو/2011 Publication
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Improving Implementation and Follow-Up: Treaty Bodies, Special Procedures, and the Universal Periodic Review
10/مارس/2011 Publication
Summary: Too often the verdicts of international human rights bodies don't find their way into practice. In November 2010,...
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اشترك ب 8. Collaboration in the process of implementation with civil society including children