x CRC News

Big Business Off the Hook for Human Rights Abuses?
20/ديسمبر/2011 News
Summary: The future of lawsuits brought in the U.S. and UK to address human rights abuses abroad is in jeopardy. ...
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Bad Medicine for Children's Rights
20/ديسمبر/2011 News
Summary: Child victims of a controversial drug trial in Nigeria face an uphill battle in seeking compensation from...
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TIME TO CELEBRATE - The new Optional Protocol to the CRC on a complaints procedure is officially adopted by the UN.
20/ديسمبر/2011 News
Summary: 19 December 2011: The UN General Assembly took a landmark step for children's rights as it adopted the new...
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UN Adopts Complaints Mechanism for Children
19/ديسمبر/2011 News
Summary: The UN General Assembly has adopted a new Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)...
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JAPAN: Children sue to be evacuated from radiation fall-out zone
19/ديسمبر/2011 News
Summary: Children at risk from exposure to radiation in the Fukushima prefecture have filed a lawsuit demanding that the...
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MECANISME DE PLAINTE: L'ONU adopte le nouveau protocole facultatif
19/ديسمبر/2011 News
Summary: Aujourd’hui, un pas historique a été franchi pour les droits de l’enfant avec l’adoption, par l’Assemblée...
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EGYPT: 'Virginity tests' decried
11/نوفمبر/2011 News
Summary: Female protesters detained by security forces were submitted to virginity tests to prove that they were not...
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