x CD Rom

Born in Pakistan
1/يونيو/2006 Publication
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Action for the Rights of Children (ARC)
17/نوفمبر/2003 Publication
Summary: This revised CD-Rom, is a Child...
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Assistance to the independent Monitoring of Human Rights:Russia
1/أغسطس/2003 Publication
Summary: Report about a project with the...
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Innocenti Research Centre
12/مارس/2003 Publication
Summary: This free CD-Rom contains...
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Preparation for Adulthood
19/مارس/2001 Publication
Summary: Effective preparation for adulthood is...
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HIV and Safe Motherhood
12/مارس/2001 Publication
Summary: 24-page paper aimed primarily at local...
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ChildData on CD Rom produced by the National Children's Bureau
8/مارس/2001 Publication
Summary: The library and information service at...
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