
MAS in childrens rights - module 2
اثنين, 13/05/2013 - 00:00 Event
Summary: Auditors are accepted to attend one or several particular module(s) of the mas in childrens rights(mcr). Module 2...
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Internet child exploitation
اثنين, 11/03/2013 - 00:00 Event
Summary: Special training course on the effective investigation of online sexual abuse and exploitation of children and...
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Summer School on the Rights of the Child
اثنين, 24/06/2013 - 00:00 Event
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2S Applied Research Methods with Hidden, Marginal and Excluded Populations
اثنين, 22/07/2013 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The course provides an introduction to research methods in conducting research, both qualitative and quantitative...
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Justice Sector Reform: Applying Human Rights Based Approaches
اثنين, 10/06/2013 - 00:00 Event
Summary: This annual IHRN training programme aims at enhancing the skills of justice sector personnel, consultants,...
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E-course on Children's Rights
أربعاء, 07/11/2012 - 00:00 Event
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child rights programming
أربعاء, 12/09/2012 - 00:00 Event
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Le monitoring des droits de lenfant
اثنين, 17/09/2012 - 00:00 Event
Summary: ce cours à distance est une introduction de base au mesurage et monitoring du statut des enfants, incluant la...
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