
Democratising Development: Social Accountability through PRSPs
أربعاء, 25/09/2002 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The conference seeks to promote...
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Children, Youth and Development
أربعاء, 16/04/2003 - 00:00 Event
Summary: This course should assist you to...
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XIII International Summer School on Human Rights
سبت, 07/09/2002 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The course is intended for human...
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The International Human Rights Academy (IHRA)
أربعاء, 03/04/2002 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The International Human Rights...
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MA in International Child Welfare
اثنين, 01/10/2001 - 00:00 Event
This school supports the pursuit of excellence in teaching and...
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Juvenile Justice System - Protection and Rehabilitation
ثلاثاء, 02/10/2001 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The Course aims to raise...
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