Article 4: Implementation of rights

РУМЫНИЯ: Иск НПО, бросившей вызов халатности в государственных интернатах
10/ماي/2017 Publication
Оставленный матерью в младенческом возрасте, Валентин Кампеану в конечном итоге умер в румынском доме-интернате. Две НПО подали жалобу в ЕСПЧ с целью привлечь к ответственности Румынию и не допустить подобных случаев в будущем.
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FRANCE: Exploitation case sees slavery criminalised at last
3/ماي/2017 Publication
A Togolese teenager was held in servitude for four and a half years. Her case lead to criminal penalties for slavery, servitude and forced labour in France for the first time.
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Механизм коллективных жалоб Европейской социальной хартии
2/ماي/2017 Guide Section
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ACCESS TO JUSTICE: CRIN's submission for the OHCHR's report on article 13 of the CRPD
28/أبريل/2017 Publication
This submission focuses on access to justice for children under article 13 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with...
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ACCESS TO JUSTICE: CRIN's submission for the OHCHR's report on article 13 of the CRPD
28/أبريل/2017 Publication
This submission focuses on access to justice for children under article 13 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with...
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NHRI: CRIN's submission for the UN Secretary-General's report on national human rights institutions
27/أبريل/2017 Publication
CRIN's submission on national human rights institutions for children, for a report of the UN Secretary-General. 
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ACCESS TO JUSTICE: CRIN's submission for the Special Rapporteur on slavery's thematic report
18/أبريل/2017 Publication
CRIN's contribution for the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery's upcoming report on access to justice.
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ТАДЖИКИСТАН: Взгляд властей на права ребенка сквозь розовые очки
3/فبراير/2017 News
Приняв на себя обязательства по Конвенции Организации Объединенных Наций о правах ребенка государства - члены ООН ведут...
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VIOLENCIA: '10 años más tarde - Progreso y demora mundial en acabar con la violencia contra los niños'
27/يناير/2017 Publication
Un nuevo informe del Consejo Internacional de ONG sobre la Violencia contra las Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes que expone el progreso y la demora mundial desde que se realizó el primer Estudio de la ONU sobre la violencia contra los niños. 
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CHILDREN'S RIGHTS AND BUSINESS: CRIN's submission on the draft ICESCR General Comment
20/يناير/2017 Publication
This submission represents the views of the Child Rights International Network (CRIN) (​​) on the proposed...
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