Article 37: Torture and deprivation of liberty

URUGUAY: CIDH condena violencia contra jóvenes detenidos en el CEPRILI
21/أغسطس/2015 News
En otras oportunidades, la Relatora Especial de Niñez de la OEA y la Comisión contra la Tortura habían advertido sobre la situación de los jóvenes detenidos. 
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AUSTRALIA: Commonwealth sued over alleged negligence of 5-year-old asylum seeker
17/أغسطس/2015 News
Legal proceedings have been launched against the Australian government over the alleged negligence of a five-year-old girl at Nauru detention centre.
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SENTENCIAS INHUMANAS: Cadena perpetua a niños a nivel mundial
10/أغسطس/2015 Publication
En 73 países del mundo, las personas pueden ser condenadas a cadena perpetua por delitos cometidos cuando eran menores de...
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INHUMAN SENTENCING: Pakistan hangs Shafqat Hussain despite claim he was a child at time of alleged crime
4/أغسطس/2015 News
Supporters say Hussain was 14 when he was sentenced to death for the murder of a seven-year-old, after a confession he said was obtained by torture.
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PAKISTAN : Shafqat Hussain a été exécuté
4/أغسطس/2015 News
Le Pakistan a pendu mardi matin Shafqat Hussain, symbole de l'opposition à la reprise des exécutions au pays car condamné à mort à "l'adolescence", s'indignent ses avocats, et au terme d'une procédure ne respectant pas les "normes internationales" d'après l'ONU.  
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UNITED STATES: Judge orders release of immigrant children detained
27/يوليو/2015 News
A federal judge has said that the government's policy of detaining migrant children and their mothers violates a longstanding ruling that found that such mass detention is against US law.
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MEXICO: Authorities fail to protect children & adults with disabilities from torture, trafficking & segregation
23/يوليو/2015 Publication
This report by Disability Rights International focuses on an institution for children and adults with disabilities where sexual abuse, sterilisation, trafficking, inadequate medical care and degrading living conditions are rampant. Yet authorities allow such a place to continue operating without interference. 
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IRAN: Whereabouts of juvenile offender on death row emerge five months after scheduled execution
21/يوليو/2015 News
The whereabouts of Saman Naseem, 21, who was sentenced to death in April 2013 for alleged armed activities against the Revolutionary Guards when he was 17 years old, was unknown for five months. Amnesty International has confirmed his location, alongside news that the Supreme Court has granted him a full retrail. 
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