Article 18: Parental responsibilities

KENYA: A social return on investment evaluation
20/أكتوبر/2015 Publication
A review from Railway Children detailing the outcomes of an intensive family work pilot project in Kenya, which aims to successfull reconnect street connected children with their families.    
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EXPLOITATION: Joint submission to the OHCHR on ​ICTs and child sexual exploitation
19/أكتوبر/2015 News
Joint submission for the OHCHR report on "Information and communication technology and child sexual exploitation".
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The Year in Children's Rights: CRIN's 2014-15 annual report
6/أكتوبر/2015 Publication
CRIN’s annual report wastes no time regurgitating blurb about who we are and what we do. Instead, we present a global picture of children’s rights, wrapping up the past year’s new or persisting issues around the world. 
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JUSTICE: 'Children’s equitable access to justice in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia'
16/يونيو/2015 Publication
This UNICEF report sheds light on the tremendous barriers children in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia face in accessing justice for violations of their rights. 
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PUBLIC HEALTH: More than one in four US children exposed to violence involving weapons
9/يونيو/2015 News
Although medical associations largely see gun violence as a public health threat, with 10,000 children killed or injured by firearms each year in the US, efforts to address gun violence from a public health standpoint have been met with considerable resistance. 
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Slovenia: Children's Rights References in the Universal Periodic Review
28/ماي/2015 Publication
A compilation of extracts featuring child-rights issues from the reports submitted to the second Universal Periodic Review. There are extracts from the 'National report', the 'Compilation of UN information' and the 'Summary of stakeholder information'. Also included is the final report and the list of accepted and rejected recommendations.  
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MEXICO: La consulta infantil
28/ماي/2015 News
En las elecciones federales se instalarán casillas para la Consulta Infantil en todo el país para hacer escuchar la opinión de la niñez y la juventud.
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ALEMANIA: Los niños, víctimas habituales de la violencia
22/ماي/2015 News
La Oficina Alemana de Investigación Criminal presentó un informe estadístico sobre los delitos en los que las principales víctimas son niños y niñas. Las cifras son pasmosas, pero sólo constituyen la punta del iceberg.
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