
MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA: State crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations continues
21/أبريل/2011 News
Summary: Latest update of the State crackdown in the MENA region...
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YEMEN: UNICEF condemns child victims of State violence
20/أبريل/2011 News
Summary: Twenty-six children have been killed, 80 others injured, and over 800 exposed to tear gas. ...
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YEMEN: Death penalty against juvenile offenders (Arabic)
19/أبريل/2011 Publication
Summary: النزول الميداني للجان المجتمعيــةالخاصبحصر ورصد الأحداث المعرضين لعقوبة الإعدام، والأحداث ال&pdf: http://www...
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YEMEN: Child soldiers used by armed forces (Arabic)
18/أبريل/2011 News
Summary: تلجأ الحكومة اليمنية منذ فترة طويلة لتعريض الأطفال لخطر داهم بنشرها لجنود أطفال في ميدان المعركةاليمن: يجب الكف...
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YEMEN: Child soldiers used by armed forces
18/أبريل/2011 News
Summary: Child soldiers first recruited by the army are now being deployed by the breakaway faction. ...
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MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA: Update on State crackdown on civilian protesters
14/أبريل/2011 News
Summary: The death toll of pro-democracy protesters in the region continues to rise, as some governments intensify their...
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YEMEN: 73 children were killed in protests in Yemen (Arabic)
13/أبريل/2011 News
يونيسيف: مقتل 73 طفلا بأحداث اليمن                  ...
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MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA: Update on State crackdown on protesters
11/أبريل/2011 News
Summary: Government crackdowns on pro-democracy protesters and their civil liberties persist across the Middle East and...
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Yemen: Inhuman Sentencing of Children (Arabic)
5/أبريل/2011 Publication
Summary: الحكم على المتهمين القصر بالإعدام غير جائز قانوناً، على الرغم من أنه فيما يبدو يحدث على أرض الواقع. كذpdf: http:/...
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