
TÚNEZ: En vías de abolir la pena de muerte
7/فبراير/2011 News
Summary: El gobierno anuncia también la ratificación de importantes convenios internacionales. ...
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TUNISIA: On the way towards abolishing the death penalty
7/فبراير/2011 News
Summary: The Tunisian government is on the way towards abolishing the death penalty in the country, as well as announcing...
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NORTH AFRICA: Statement by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on current the situation in the region
7/فبراير/2011 News
Summary: The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, reiterates that governments must listen to their people...
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Tunisie: La mission des Nations Unies de haut niveau commence jeudi
1/فبراير/2011 News
Summary: La Haut Commissaire aux droits de l’homme Navi Pillay a annoncé mercredi qu’elle a mis en place une équipe de...
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HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: Global Report 2011
26/يناير/2011 Publication
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HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: Global Report 2010
26/يناير/2011 Publication
pdf: http://www.hrw.org/en/world-report-2010/news-release
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L’élimination des châtiments corporels des enfants:Bulletin Afrique
20/سبتمبر/2010 Publication
Summary: La principale information de ce numéro : la Tunisie et le Kenya sont les premiers Etats d’Afrique àinterdire...
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Tunisie: Importantes avancées dans la concrétisation des OMD
20/سبتمبر/2010 News
Summary: TUNIS, 19 sept. 2010 (TAP) - La Tunisie, de l'avis des responsables onusiens, figure parmi les rares pays...
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