South Africa

Department of Equity Studies and Special Education
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
Research, consultancy and training.
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Community Information and Epidemiological Technology (CIET)
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
CIET is an international group of epidemiologists and social scientists who bring scientific research methods to local...
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Christian Children's Fund - South Africa
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
Improvement to living conditions in underprivileged communities;health, nutrition, education, HIV/Aids issues CCF-SA
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Christian Children's Fund - Geneva Office
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
CCF is an international child development agency working for the well-being of children by supporting locally led...
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Child Guidance Clinic
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
To provide direct psychological...
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Child Abuse Treatment and Training Services
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
Child Abuse Treatment and Training Services is a specialist child sexual abuse service. CATTS
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Centre for Early Childhood Development
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
A National resource providing training, support and advice in the field of early childhood development by offering courses...
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Centre for School Quality and Improvement
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
Mostly training of teachers in Catholic Schools Catholic Institute if EducationCSQI
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Bernard van Leer Foundation
3/يناير/2001 Organisation
The Foundation seeks to enhance opportunities for children up to age 8 who are growing up in socially and economically...
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