
Listening to the Views of Children: the Alternative Care context (Lebanon)
30/يونيو/2006 UN and Regional Documentation
The Lebanese Association of SOS Children's Villages is a non-governmental organisation that was established in 1969. In...
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Liban: La discrimination à l’égard des Palestiniens doit cesser sans plus tarder
9/يونيو/2006 News
Le Comité des droits de l’enfant (CDE) a rendu publiques le 2 juin ses observations finales sur l’application par le Liban...
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Concluding Observations for Lebanon's 3rd Periodic Report
8/يونيو/2006 UN and Regional Documentation
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CRC, Alternative Reporting and Follow-Up on Concluding Observations in Arab Countries
5/يونيو/2006 Publication
Summary: Report on a regional workshop held in Broummana-Lebanon between 28th September 2005 and 1st December 2005....
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State Party Examination of Lebanon’s Third Periodic Report
2/يونيو/2006 Publication
Summary: On Wednesday 24th May, the Commitee examined Lebanon's Third Periodic report. This summary highlights the main...
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CRC, Alternative Reporting and Follow-Up on Concluding Observations in Arab Countries - Executive summary (Arabic)
19/ماي/2006 Publication
Summary: Executive summary of a report on a regional workshop held in Broummana-Lebanon between 28th September 2005 and...
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CRC, Alternative Reporting and Follow-Up on Concluding Observations in Arab Countries - Executive summary
19/ماي/2006 Publication
Summary: Executive summary of a report on a regional workshop held in Broummana-Lebanon between 28th September 2005 and...
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Regional Workshop on CRC and Alternative Reporting in Arab Countries
أربعاء, 28/09/2005 - 00:00 Event
Summary: This workshop will be based on research studies mainly in Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, Jordan and Syria in addition...
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اشترك ب Lebanon