
JAPAN: National Laws
7/يوليو/2011 Publication
Summary: General overview of Japan's national legal provisions on children's rights, including guidance on how to conduct...
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JAPAN: Children's Rights References in the Universal Periodic Review
4/يوليو/2011 Publication
Summary: A compilation of extracts featuring child-rights issues from the reports submitted to the first Universal...
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JAPAN: Government submits progress report on UPR recommendations
4/يوليو/2011 Publication
Summary: The government of Japan recently submitted a mid-term UPR report, which documented their implementation progress...
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JAPAN: Discrimination increases torment of Fukushima
16/يونيو/2011 News
Summary: Many Japanese from outside the area affected by radiation remain wary in their dealings with Fukushima locals out...
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UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child (1959)
جمعة, 20/11/1959 - 00:00 Instrument
Proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 1386(XIV) of 20 November 1959...
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JAPAN: Pact is welcomed, but abuse concerns raised
23/ماي/2011 News
Summary: Some members of government say they want to protect Japanese mothers who have cited violent partners as the...
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JAPAN: Report submitted by the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children
23/ماي/2011 Publication
Summary: Report by Joy Ngozi EzeiloA/HRC/14/32/Add.4pdf: http://www.crin.org/docs/Japan_trafficking.pdf
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JAPAN: Children's Rights in the UN Special Procedures' Reports
23/ماي/2011 Publication
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of the UN Special Procedures. This does...
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