
Active Implementing Sub-network on Child Labour
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
Project interventions to improve the...
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Plan International - Sweden
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
Plan is a non-religious and politically unbiased international humanitarian development aid organisation. Plan has a clear...
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The African Child Policy Forum
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
The overriding mission of ACPF is to contribute to the effort to put African children on the public agenda, and, to that...
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Centro Italiano Aiuti all'Infanzia
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
CIAI Italian Association to Aid the Children is a non profit organization founded in 1968. Since then, CIAI has dedicated...
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Save the Children Switzerland
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
Save the Children Switzerland is a member of the International Save the Children Alliance, comprising 27 national Save the...
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19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
Our vision:To see street children realise their potential and discover their worth....
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Global Campaign for Education
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
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International Organization for Adolescents
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
• Help youth escape slavery and exploitation in the United States• Help orphaned youth safely transition to adulthood in...
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World Vision - UK
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
World Vision works with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Inspired by our Christian...
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Addis Tribune
19/ديسمبر/2013 Organisation
Business-oriented weekly from the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa
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