Article 37: Torture and deprivation of liberty

ARMED CONFLICT: Annual Report of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict
13/يونيو/2013 Publication
Summary: The annual report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict presents information about grave...
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CHILD LABOUR: "Violence is a daily reality for many child domestic workers", says UN expert
12/يونيو/2013 News
Summary: On World Day against Child Labour, the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations on...
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TRAVAIL DOMESTIQUE : Eliminer le travail des enfants dans le travail domestique et protéger les jeunes travailleurs
12/يونيو/2013 Publication
Summary: Nouveau rapport sur le travail domestique, dans le cadre des conventions fondamentales de l’OIT sur le travail...
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DOMESTIC WORKERS: Ending child labour in domestic work and protecting young workers from abusive working conditions
12/يونيو/2013 Publication
Summary: New report on domestic work within the framework of the two ILO fundamental conventions on child labour and the...
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Domestic Workers: On-line action to urge ratification of the Domestic Workers Convention
12/يونيو/2013 Publication
Summary: CRIN is part of a campaign to encourage governments to ratify the Domestic Workers Convention. Adopted by the...
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CHILD LABOUR: New HRW advocacy brochure on the Domestic Workers Convention
12/يونيو/2013 Publication
Summary: The ILO Domestic Workers Convention: New Standards to Fight Discrimination, Exploitation, and Abusepdf: http:/...
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