
Children's Participation
20/Мар/2001 Publication
Summary: Children are by far the most committed...
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Child's International Human Right to Education
20/Мар/2001 Publication
Summary: This book provides an analysis of the...
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Children's Rights
20/Мар/2001 Publication
Summary: No convention has been acknowledged by...
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Conventia Natiunilor Unite Cu Priviere la Drepturile Copilului
20/Мар/2001 Publication
Summary: An illustrated children's guide to the CRC in Romanian
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Rights of the Child in Nigeria
20/Мар/2001 Publication
Owner: Anne Laurence Lacroix, Cheryl Schoenberg and Ben Schonveld
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Working Children of Ebrahim Hydari - Myths and Realities
20/Мар/2001 Publication
Summary: This report provides the socio-economic...
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No Time to Play
20/Мар/2001 Publication
Summary: The One World Centre was established in...
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Impact of HIV on Children in Thailand
20/Мар/2001 Publication
Summary: Full and Condensed versions are available Owner: Tim Brown and Werasit Sittitrai
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