Article 9: Separation from parents

A Toolkit on Child Rights Programming
12/Мар/2005 Publication
Summary: This toolkit was written to help Save the...
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Experience of Impact Assessment
12/Мар/2005 Publication
Summary: This paper documents some of Save the...
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Introducing the Implementation Handbook for the Convention on the Rights of the Child – and “The Checklists”
12/Мар/2005 Publication
Summary: These guidelines published by UNICEF on the...
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Applying a Human Rights Based Approach to Programming: Experiences of UNICEF
12/Мар/2005 Publication
Summary: This paper outlines the general programme...
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ENLACE: Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos
12/Мар/2005 Publication
Summary: Este sitio web incluye todas las Convenciones...
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SOS Enfants en Detresse
2/Мар/2005 Organisation
SOS Enfants en Detresse apportent leurs secours aux enfants en detresse, victimes de l'abus, la maltraitance ou negligence...
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Eurochild AISBL
2/Мар/2005 Organisation
Eurochild AISBL is an active network of organisations and individuals working in and across Europe to improve the quality...
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The Southwest Border Kids Count Pocket Guide
17/Фев/2005 Publication
Summary: This book provides a set of benchmarks of...
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