Article 3: Best interests of the child

Invisible Children? Towards Integration of Children into EU Development Cooperation Policies
23/Сен/2003 Publication
Summary: Globally one out of three people is a...
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EENET-Enabling Education
27/Июн/2003 Publication
Summary: This is the newsletter of EENET-an...
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BASPCAN 5th National Congress:'Strengthening the Links: Research, Policy and Practice'
вс, 20/07/2003 - 00:00 Event
Summary: BASPCAN’s 5th National Congress...
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33rd Session of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
пн, 19/05/2003 - 00:00 Event
Summary: State party reports being...
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Ayudar a los ninos ciegos/Helping Children who are Blind
28/Апр/2003 Publication
Summary: This is the first Spanish title in the...
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Stateless Children: Youth who are without Citizenship
19/Мар/2003 Publication
Summary: This booklet looks at children's rights...
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A Study of Child Sex Tourism, in the Gambia and the Involvement of Dutch Tourists
5/Мар/2003 Publication
Summary: After reports of sexual abuse of...
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After the Victoria Climbie Inquiry: The Future of Child Protection Policy & Practice
пт, 28/03/2003 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The report of the Victoria Climbié...
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Global Strategy on Female Genital Mutilation
5/Фев/2003 Publication
Summary: Save the Children Sweden's strategy...
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