
UKRAINE: Persistent violations of children's rights
14/Mai/2012 Publication
Summary: The violations highlighted are those issues raised with the State by more than one international human rights...
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УКРАИНА: В Донецкой области истекающий кровью ребенок 13 раз вызывал "скорую"
8/Mai/2012 News
Summary: UKRAINE: Ambulance Doctors Ignore 13 Calls from Bleeding Boy (Russian)...
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UKRAINE: Children's Rights in UN Treaty Body Reports
3/Mai/2012 Publication
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УКРАИНА: Рабочая группа разработает систему специальных пометок для €œзащиты детей от информации
23/fév/2012 News
Summary: UKRAINE: An interagency working group to develop a system of special marks to protect children from 'harmful'...
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