
Kharkiv Regional Foundation "Public Alternative"
9/nov/2012 Organisation
Activities of the organization aim to contribute to building an open civil society in Ukraine, to realizing of civil...
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Attorneys for the Rights of the Child
9/oct/2012 Organisation
To educate the public, the bar (lawyers), and the judiciary (judges) about the harm caused by all forms of childhood...
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UKRAINE: Anti-gay law gets initial approval
4/oct/2012 News
Summary: If made into law, the bill will ban the "promotion of homosexuality". ...
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УКРАИНА: Совет Европы обеспокоен законом о запрете пропаганды гомосексуализма
4/oct/2012 News
Summary: UKRAINE: Council of Europe concerned about anti-gay bill in Ukraine (Russian)...
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УКРАИНА: Лишь 30% детей доступно внешкольное образование
14/sep/2012 News
Summary: UKRAINE: Only 30% of children have access to non-formal education (Russian)...
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УКРАИНА: Рада ратифицировала конвенцию о защите детей от сексуального насилия
19/juil/2012 News
Summary: UKRAINE: Parliament ratified Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual...
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