Sri Lanka

Policy or Poverty? Links Between Child Labour and Educational Failure
30/juil/2002 Publication
Summary: How can we understand the...
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Children and Citizenship - Regional Study in South Asia
29/juil/2002 Publication
Summary: The aim of this study was to...
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Bringing Children Home
mar, 01/10/2002 - 00:00 Event
Summary: This conference aims to highlight the...
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Aide Internationale à l'Enfance
8/fév/2002 Organisation
To improve the situation for disadvantaged children across the world. To support their development and participation in a...
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Mandate the Future/Worldview International Foundation
8/fév/2002 Organisation
To harness the power of the Internet...
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ChildFund Australia
8/aoû/2001 Organisation
The Christian Children's Fund of Australia is part of an international network dedicated to helpingchildren, families and...
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Family Rehabilitation Centre Newsletter
24/juil/2001 Publication
Summary: This newsletter details the activities...
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Save the Children Norway
3/juil/2001 Organisation
This is a membership organisation...
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3/juin/2001 Organisation
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